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Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

The CCF ethos is to inspire young people to achieve success in life. This is achieved by: 

  • Providing progressive training, often of a challenging and exciting nature, to foster confidence, self-reliance, initiative, loyalty and a sense of service to other people.
  • Encouraging the development of personal powers of practical leadership and the ability to work successfully as a member of a team.
  • Stimulating an interest in the Navy, Army and RAF their achievements, skills and values.
  • Advising and preparing those considering a career in the Services or with the Reserve Forces.

The CCF at Habs runs a generic four year syllabus with tailored content to each of the year groups and Sections.

Over the three termly Field Days, normally in October, March and June, the Tri-Service Adventure Training Camp in April and the Summer Camp in July the cadets are engaged with many different challenging activities. These are designed to nurture their leadership style, develop team spirit and a give them an awareness of military ethos and values.

Should your child be interested in taking up the challenge of the Duke of Edinburgh scheme many of the activities led and organised by the CCF will contribute directly to gaining a Bronze, Silver or Gold Award.

As the cadets progress through the school they will be given more responsibility within their Section. The confidence gained in the CCF has a very positive influence on the academic and co-curricular elements of their education at Haberdashers.